PSW Technology render a variety of services within Capping and support services as part of the Norwegian Oil & Gas emergency response plan. The PSW Technology arctic capping stack (18 3/4 10 K Rams) is stored and maintained at our state-of-the-art facilities in Norway, ready for immediate use and onward transportation, with a 24/7 on-duty team standing by.
The Capping Stack can be tested, mobilized and ready on dock within 24 hours of notification.
PSW Technology aims to provide affordable access to a capping stack to all operators. The capping stack and support service levels are adapted to our customers’ needs, and we do not operate with credit rating limitations.
Capping stack and support service options:
- Complete lifecycle management
- Inhouse emergency response team
- 24/7 duty personnel
- Full maintenance and testing resources and competence inhouse
- Procurement and logistics team for spares or interfacing if required
- Debris removal package
Affordable access and 24 hour mobilization!